Natural Light & Air

Human beings are part of nature. Our bodies are attuned to see best in natural light, remain alert breathing fresh air, and feel better when we have access to outdoor space. At Indigo we create climate-adapted buildings by working with sunlight and fresh air, abundant free resources that help us feel good, stay healthy, and remain productive. 

Skylights at Vacaville Police Headquarters.

Skylights at Vacaville Police Headquarters.

Natural ventilation improves indoor air quality. Studies show that even a small amount of CO2 buildup makes us feel drowsy and unproductive. Since the global pandemic, we also know that fresh air can save lives. More fresh air means less likelihood of transmitting Covid-19. Exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun also destroys the viruses and other pathogens.

Natural lighting from well-placed skylights, windows and shading allows us to reduce energy use during the day while maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures. Access to sunlight also helps our bodies stay in tune with daily and seasonal rhythms, which can reduce seasonal depression.

Instead of relying on oversized HVAC systems, we design buildings that harness cool nighttime breezes in summer and the warmth of winter sun, storing heat and cool in thermal mass. This whole-systems approach to design ensures that a building is part of its environment instead of working against it. Buildings with abundant natural light and air are beautiful and uplifting to be in. They help us live, work, learn and play better.